This article discusses additional features of Debugger Canvas in Visual Studio 2010.
Refer to article, Part I.
Navigate To File
One of the important features provided in Debugger Canvas is Navigate to File. We can open the code file directly from
the bubble window by using right-click. This will take us to the respective code file.
Local Bubbles
This will open a new bubble window with local variables and its values of respective methods you selected.
Save Canvas FileOne of the cons in Debugger Canvas is a lack of option to save the Canvas file in Visual Studio format. Hope this option will
be provided soon in a future release. But we can save the Canvas file to .xps document and even send it across email, if you
have configured it in your system.
Code Search
As you can see a Code Search textbox in the above image, this helps us to find methods, variables or properties from
your project. This will list all findings from the project and double-clicking on it will open the code lines in a new
bubble window.
Sticky NoteAnother feature is to create sticky notes on Canvas.
The preceding is a list of some of the features available in Debugger Canvas.
Thank You!