Right click the control and click view code, the code editor will appear, and then implement the code as follow:
namespace WpfForExcel
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for UserControl1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
public UserControl1()
StringBuilder oBuilder1;
StringBuilder oBuilder2;
string YougerthenHistory;
string DihyaHistory;
System.IO.StringWriter oWriter;
BitmapImage oBitmap;
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Inititalize the oWriter,oBuilder1,oBuilder2
oWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();
oBuilder1 = new StringBuilder();
oBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
/// <summary>
/// Void: This method fill the builder
/// </summary>
private void FillYougerthenHistory()
if (YougerthenHistory == "")
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Yougerthen, king of Numidia (113- 104 BCE).");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Yougerthen was the grandson of King Massinissen,");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("after the death of King Micipsa in 118,");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Numidia needed a new king.");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Yougerthen used all his skills be the king");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Meanwhile,responsibles in Rome was against that");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Yougethen, who had bribed the Roman aristocracy");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("with loads of gold, went to Rome in full ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("assurance that nothing would harm him. In ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("front of the Senate, it was declared that he ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("did not have to explain himself, and he could");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("return to Numidia.");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("He said Rome is a coutry for sale for anyone");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("pays the best prize. ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Finally, in 111, Rome decided to make");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("a war towards him to defend their position.");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("It soon escalated to war against Rome. Little ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("was achieved by expose his weakness, and he ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("used the desert and mountains to hide in or move through so ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("that he always could get around the Roman troops.");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Six legions are completly neutralized and destroyed");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("After years of humiliation, the Roman");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("commander Metellus was replaced by Marius. ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("After only moderate successes, Marius' men ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("managed in 105 to win Yougerthen's ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("father-in-law, Bocchus of Mauritania,");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Bocchus betrayed Yougerthen, so that");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("Yougerthen was captured when he came to a ");
oBuilder1.AppendLine("meeting with the Romans.");
/// <summary>
/// Void: This method fill the builder
/// </summary>
private void FillDihyaHistory()
if (DihyaHistory == "")
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Dihya queen of North Africa(685-705 CE). Girl of Tabet, ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("son of Nissine, son of Baoura, son of ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Mesquiri, son of Afred, son of Doucilia, son ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("of Guerra. Called Al Kahyna in arabic.");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("and also known in North Africa by the iron women.");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Of a charismatic personality, she leds the ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("resistance against the Arab invasions, she");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("unified a great number of tribes under its ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("command to face these invations. The chief ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Hassan Ben Noman prince of Arab army was");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("persuaded that if he managed to overcome Bysantines army");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("he will be the uncontested chief of North Africa");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("after having taken Carthage and driven out the Byzantines");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("he tooks the road and asked which was the most");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("frightening prince among the Berber ones, and ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("having learned that it was Dihya, a woman ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("which ordered powerful tribes, he walked");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("against her and attempted the edge of the ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Miskiana river, the meeting tooks place on the ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Nini river, in the north of Khenchla city in actual ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Algria. The Berber troops which were downstream were ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("thrown on the Arabs who were upstream and cut");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("them in parts. In remembering this defeat, the ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Arabs called the Nini river as ‘Nahr Al bala',");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("the river of misfortunes. They are forced to ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("escape. Dihya followed them until they were");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("kicked out to Tripoli in actual Lybia. She made ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("imprisoned one of theirs generals Khalid Bin Yazd ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("which she had adopted thereafter. She had order her ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("children to join the Arab troops. But, she as");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("a chief, she fought until the end! ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("In 698, H' asân Ben Nu' mân returned with ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("reinforcements.The combat tooks place at the ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("foot of Aurès in east actual Algeria");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Dihiya, about to be beaten, tried to take refuge ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("in an old citadel in Biskra.");
oBuilder2.AppendLine(" But her adversary pursued her to Tarfa city.");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Kahina the 127 years old woman was killed in the battlefield");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("while she was fighting in front of a well which carries since");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("there its name. Her head was cut off and sent like ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("trophy of war to the caliph.");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("Dihya was shown by the Arab authors to have ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine("practiced the scorched earth policy.");
oBuilder2.AppendLine(" About to be overcome,she would have preferred ");
oBuilder2.AppendLine(" to burn the cities, the villages and harvests");
oBuilder2.AppendLine(" rather than to leave them for the enemy ");
private void UserControl_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
oBitmap = new BitmapImage();
myGrid.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Khaki;
oWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(oBuilder1);
YougerthenHistory = oWriter.ToString();
label1.Content = YougerthenHistory;
Image1.Width = 100;
Image1.Height = 138;
oBitmap.UriSource = new Uri("jugurtha.BMP", UriKind.Relative);
Image1.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
Image1.Source = oBitmap;
private void UserControl_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
oBitmap = new BitmapImage();
myGrid.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Bisque;
oWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(oBuilder2);
DihyaHistory = oWriter.ToString();
label1.Content = DihyaHistory;
Image1.Width = 100;
Image1.Height = 138;
oBitmap.UriSource = new Uri("dihya.BMP", UriKind.Relative);
Image1.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
Image1.Source = oBitmap;