Captcha Control

By Jean Simon Ratte on Aug 12 2010
CaptchaControl is a control that can be used with any .NET languages. It's open source, so you can mod it nor do whatever you want with it.
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CaptchaControl is a control that can be used with any .NET languages. It's open source, so you can mod it nor do whatever you want with it. The .zip file contains the DLL, an example, the and C# source of the DLL and the C# source of the example.

How to use it :
C# (C Sharp):

captcha1.StartCaptcha(); //Start the captcha
captcha1.CaseSensitive = false; //If the captcha is case sensitive
captcha1.Characters = 10; //The numbers of characters in the captcha
if(captcha1.Solve("TEST")) //Check if the captcha's text is the first parameter.
MessageBox.Show("The captcha is solved!");
captcha1.ChangeCaptcha(); //Change the captcha
Visual Basic .NET:

captcha1.StartCaptcha() 'Start the captcha
captcha1.CaseSensitive = False 'If the captcha is case sensitive
captcha1.Characters = 10 'The numbers of characters in the captcha
If captcha1.Solve("TEST") Then 'Check if the captcha's text is the first parameter.
MessageBox.Show("The captcha is solved!")
captcha1.ChangeCaptcha() 'Change the captcha
End If
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