if(str[1] != "0") { pId = str[1]; } else { jq("#prevLink").hide(); } if(str[2] != "0") {
nId = str[2]; } else { jq("#nextLink").hide(); } jq("#loading").fadeOut('slow'); } jq(document).ready(function() { // Add the page method call as an onclick handler for the div. jq("#prevLink").live("click", function(){ bindMediaID(pId,"P"); }); jq("#nextLink").live("click", function(){ bindMediaID(nId,"N"); }); jq("#bottomNavClose").live("click", function(){ jq("#overlay").fadeOut('slow', function(){ jq("#overlay").remove(); }); jq("#lightbox").fadeOut('slow', function(){ jq("#lightbox").remove(); }); }); }); function OnFailedID(error, methodName) { if (error !== null) { alert(error.get_message()); } }
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