Let’s follow step by step procedure to create app package for Windows 10 Universal App. Let us suppose you have a “Hello World “application for Windows 10 and want to create an App Package for that.
Go to Menus and select “Project” Menu from Visual Studio like the following image.
Now select the following options, Store, then click Create App Packages.
Create App Packages wizard will be visible as in the following image:
You have two options: one is for uploading the package to store. For that you need your developer account and another one is locally to create the package. Here, I am going to create a local package. We are not going to upload package to Windows Store, so select the option No and click Next.
In this screen you can choose platform independent package. You can create package for the following platform and also mode of package release or debug.
- Neutral platform
- 64 bit platform
- 32 bit platform
Click on
Create to create package.
After clicking on create it takes time to create package. Wait until next window you will get
Package Creation Completed message with path of the created package like the following image.
When you browse to path you will find package has been created in different platforms like the following image.