Microsoft SQL Server Keyboard Shortcuts

The following are the Microsoft SQL Server keyboard shortcuts.

  1. To Run Microsoft SQL Server:

    • Press Windows+R
    • Type ssms
    • Press the OK button

  2. Control+G: to go to the desired line number and display line number in the query editor window.

    Go to Tools -> Options.

    It will display numbers as in the following image.

    For example:

  3. Control+E: Executes the query.

    Select the query you want to execute and then press Control+E.

  4. Control+L: Cost Estimation.

    Select the query you want to execute and then press Control+L.

    For example:

  5. Control+R: Hide/show the Result Pane.

  6. Control+N: New Query Window.

  7. Control+Shift+U: Convert text to UPPERCASE.

    Select the text you want to convert and then press Control+Shift+U.

  8. Control+Shift+L: Convert text to lowercase.

    Select the text you want to convert and then press Control+Shift+L.

  9. Control+Shift+Del: Clears the active query window.

    It clears the contents of the active window.

  10. Control+U: Use databse.

    Press Control+U, then your mouse focus will go to the database dropdown as in the following.

    For example:

    And then you can use the up and down arrow keys or type the text to choose the database.

  11. Control+T: displayss the result in text format.

    Press Control+T and then execute the query. It will show the result as follows.

    For example:

  12. Control + D: To display the result in Grid format.

    And to display the result in grid (default format) press Control+D and then execute the query.

  13. Control+ Left/Right Arrow: To move the cursor to the next word.

  14. Control+Shift+ Left/Right Arrow: To move and select the next word.

  15. Alt+Shift+ Left/Right/Down Arrow: To select the text that is usually not possible using the mouse as in the following.

    For example:

  16. Alt+F1

    To view the table definition.

    Select the table name and then press Alt+F1.

    For example:

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