Use hyperlink to add web address and email address
Occasionally you need to insert hyperlinks in your Word document to add a web address or email address that you can then use by just clicking.
We can insert a hyperlink for a picture or text within your document. All hyperlinks have two parts, one part is the name and the other part is the address. The name shows in your own document and the address opens the other website or user Gmail.
To insert a hyperlink do the following
Step 1
Select text or picture that you want to add a hyperlink for.
Step 2
Now right-click on the selected text or picture and choose "Hyperlink".
Step 3
Open a new window where the "Text to display" Text box shows the text that will display in your document.
Step 4
Now in the Address text box Enter the address of your document, web site address or some shared folder.
Note: You can insert a hyperlink anywhere within that document by choosing Place in this document option.
To Insert Email address hyperlink to your document
Select a picture or text that you want to add an email hyperlink for. Right-click on it and choose hyperlink.
Step 5
Go to the email Address Tab.
Enter the email address and subject of your emails.