In this article, you will learn how to execute or run the manual test using Microsoft Test Manager 2010.
After completing the test planning, the tester needs to create the test lab for the execution window.
When a tester adds a new test case into the test suite or adds test cases (from the existing test plan) into the plan tab, particular test suits including test cases are also automatically added into the Test tab. The Test Lead/Manager reviews the particular test lab and verifies all the critical test cases to determine whether the functionality or performance is included in the test lab or not.
After deployment of the application, testers are required to test the particular build. The development team notifies the testing team that the build is ready for testing .Thereafter the test manager/lead arranges the kick-off meeting and assigns tasks (the particular test cases) to the testers for execution according to the execution plan.
Steps for executing or running the test cases from the test suite
Please find the following steps for running the test case using the Microsoft Test Manager 2010.
1. Go to Programs and click on Microsoft Test Manager 2010. It opens.
2. Click on the Test Tab. The "Test Lab" opens. Run Tests is displayed.
3. Select and click on the test plan. The Test suites for that test plan are displayed.
4. Click on the particular test suite. All the test cases under that test suites display.
5. Click and select the test case to execute. The "Run" button becomes enabled.
6. Click on the "Run" Button. A new window opens for running the test case.
7. Click on the "Start Test" button or Press Ctrl + T Key. The particular test case displays.
8. Follow the steps as mentioned for the particular test case and do the action pass or fail as in the following steps.
9. Select the particular step and you can choose the option Pass/Fail from the dropdown or:
a. You can use the system keys for passing the particular step Win+Ctrl+Q as in:
b. You can use the system keys Win+Ctrl+W for passing the particular step as in:
A test result is recorded every time you run a specific test. Optionally, when you run a manual test, you can attach documents and screen shots to the test. The attachments will be saved together with the test result. The attachments can provide useful information to other team members if you find it necessary to submit a bug while performing the manual test. To run a test, you must select the test inside a test plan that you want to run. You may also run an entire test suite.
10. Click the "Save and Close" Button. The Test Result will be saved.