In this article we are going to learn how to create a SharePoint app using visual studio and deploy in SharePoint Office 365 site.
Step 1:
Open Visual Studio, Go to ‘FILE', then create a new Project.
Step 2:
Go to Installed, then Templates, Visual C#, click Office/SharePoint, Apps and then select ‘App for SharePoint’.
Give some name to your app in front of Name Field and click ‘Ok’.
Step 3:
You will get a window asking for ‘what SharePoint site’ and ‘how do you host the app’?
Give your SharePoint site Url and select SharePoint –hosted option and click ‘Finish’.
Step 4: Now it will ask for the Office 365 Credentials. Give and go ahead.
You will get the following screen having its built in template.
You can add your message inside the ‘PlaceHolderMain’.
Step 5: Go to Solution Explorer, select the App and right click:
1. Click Build and Deploy
Step 6:
Open your SharePoint Url which you have given at the time of creating the app.
The App has been deployed successfully
Step 7: Click on the App, a page will appear like the following: