Information about Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL Server is a one-type database
- Microsoft SQL Server was created by Microsoft for Web and Desktop application data management
- For any database created the main concept is for security; in this the create-member-level security is for data access in any data application
SQL Operations
Here we see how to work with SQL Database basic operations such as print data, addition(+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and so on.
We will now see some SQL operations.
The print command is used to print in the SQL editor.
Press F5 to execute.
Unary Operator
Unary operators are one type mathematical operator.
Two type unary operators.
A unary operator assigns to a value positive or negative at zero (0).
For example, a positive value +1 and a negative value -1.
This means that this is assigned to in a mathematical series value as in -2, -1, 0, 1, 2…
Binary Operation
Binary operation is a very useful concept in SQL databases.
The following are one-by-one binary operations.
- Addition (+)
This operation is uses with a numeric value or string type data.
For example:
This operator is used for number addition and to join two words.
- Subtraction (-)
This is used to subtract two number values.
- Multiplication (*)
This is used to multily two number values.
- Division(/)
This is used to divide two number values.
In this see a SQL database follows all mathematical rules. Any numeric value can never be divided by Zero (0).
- Modulo (%)
It's very useful in numeric calculation.
- Bracket ) (
It's used in every computer language and database.
- Bit Operation (~)
Our computer language by default works with bit values 0 and 1. We see here some binary operations with SQL. How do they work? Bit operations work with the ~ symbol.
Command: ~ number data
Bitwise NOT Operator
It's a not unary operation. It defines any numeric data on the left side.
Command : ~ number
print ~ 12
get -13
Bitwise AND operator (&)
It's for a two-value comparison.
Command : value1 & value2
print ~12 & ~13
get -14
Bitwise OR operator ( | )
It's one more comparison operator.
Command : value1 | value2
print ~12 | ~13
get -13
Bitwise Exclusive OR operator ( ^ )
It's also a comparison operator.
Command : value1 ^ value2
print 127^130
SQL Variables And Datatypes
In this, see how to declare programmatically SQL variables and data types. Data types are a very important part of any database.
Declare Variable
The Declare keyword is used to declare a variable.
For example:
DECALRE value datatype
- declare @12 int
- declare @Rakesh char
- declare @17052015 date
Variable Initialize
We declare a variable after it;s initialized.
In this use must @ mark initialize for any variable and also use the SELECT or SET keyword.
Many types of variables are available in databases, let's see one-by-one some variables.
- Boolean Variable
The Boolean data type uses bit type operators, true/false, yes/no, 1/0 and so on.
- Number variable
Any number variable is declared using int, smalltype, bigint data types.
- Decimal Type
It's used for decimal numeric value declaration.
- Float type
Used for factorial data type declaration. It is also known as a Real numbers.
- Money
It's used for currency value declaration.
- Character and String
It's used for character and string value data. In character data there is only word characters and in a string are words. Both types of declarations use a single quote.
- String
In SQL any string data value uses varchar and nvarchar data types.
- Time
it's for time data in a database.
- Date
It's for date data types in SQL.
This is some information about SQL database data types and how to declare and hold SQL data in a SQL database.