This is a simple application for beginners showing how to create transformations of a shape using HTML 5 and CSS tools. We know that HTML 5 is the advanced version of HTML. Basically HTML 5 can be used to develop 3D applications. This article is intended to help with the use of HTML5 tools to develop transformations of a shape in applications. CSS is the acronym for Cascading Style Sheet that is used for design. CSS defines how HTML elements are to be displayed. The <section> tag defines sections in a document, such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document. I hope this article helps to develop transformations of a shape using HTML 5 and CSS tools.
Step 1: Open Visual Studio.
- Go to file -> New->Projects.
- Crete an ASP. NET Web Application.
- Name of "Shape.aspx".
Step 2: Add a HTML file to your web application.
- Right-click on the Solution Explorer.
- Add->add new item->HTML form.
- The Name of the HTML form is "Transform.html".
Step 3: In this step we add a CSS file named Style.css. In the CSS we set font-family, font-size, color of a transformations of a shape page.
- Right-click on the Solution Explorer.
- Add-> Add New Item.
- Add style sheet.
- Set the name of the style sheet is a "Style.css".
font-family: "Helvetica Neue";
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 30px;
color: Teal;
padding: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
Step 4: In this section we set styles of a container; they are height, width and border margin of a shape. The container is used to display a shape.
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid #0000FF;
margin: 40px;
.con figure
display: block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
float: left;
margin: 15px;
Step 5: In this section we set a shape background color and degree. Degrees are used to set how many degrees to rotate a shape.
#red figure
background: red;
-webkit-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-moz-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-ms-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-o-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-webkit-perspective: 400px;
-moz-perspective: 400px;
-ms-perspective: 400px;
-o-perspective: 400px;
perspective: 400px;
Step 6: In this section we set a body content of a transformations shape page. Now we also set a figure that is used to display in a container.
<body bgcolor="#ffcccc">
<h1 style="background-color: #FF99FF">
Used HTML5 and CSS
<section id="red" class="con">
Step 7: Now in this section we set a complete code demo of a transformations shape page.
<title>Tom application</title>
<link href="Sheet1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid #0000FF;
margin: 40px;
.con figure
display: block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
float: left;
margin: 15px;
#red figure
background: red;
-webkit-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-moz-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-ms-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-o-transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
transform: perspective( 400px ) rotateX(120deg );
-webkit-perspective: 400px;
-moz-perspective: 400px;
-ms-perspective: 400px;
-o-perspective: 400px;
perspective: 400px;
<body bgcolor="#ffcccc">
<h1 style="background-color: #FF99FF">
Used HTML5 and CSS
<section id="red" class="con">
Step 8: Press "Ctrl+F5" to run the application in a browser.
Change a rotation degree; after that 2 different transformation shapes are given below.
Here is some useful resources: