First we create the first report with a country list then create another one for the state list based on the parameter passed, in other words country row id and then display the state report as a sub-report.
Sub Report
Step 1
To add the report, right-click on "Reports", select "Add" and click on "New Item".
![New Item]()
Step 2
Select "Report" and provide the report name.
Step 3
Add a data source to the report data, right-click on "Data Sources" and click on "Add Data Source".
![Data Sources]()
Step 4
Provide a data source name and select shared data source reference.
![source reference]()
Step 5
Add a dataset in the report data, right-click on "Datasets" and click on "Add Dataset".
![Add Dataset]()
Step 6
Provide a dataset name and select shared dataset.
![select shared dataset]()
Step 7
Right-click on the design surface, select "Insert" and click on "Table".
Step 8
Set "Country Row ID" as the column header and map the "CountryRowID" field for that column.
Step 9
Set "Country Name" as the column header and map the "CountryName" field for that column.
![Country Name]()
Step 10
Select and delete the third column.
Step 11
Now the design of the main report is ready with the columns "Country Row ID" and "Country Name".
![main report]()
Step 12
To check the report click on the "Preview" tab and we will have a country list.
Step 13
- Now let's create a state report with the parameter CountryRowID.
- To add a report, right-click on "Reports", select "Add" and click on "New Item".
Step 14
Select "Report" and provide the report a name.
![provide report]()
Step 15
To add a parameter, right-click on "Parameters" in Report Data and click on "Add Parameter".
![Add Parameter]()
Step 16
Provide a parameter name and select its visibility as visible.
Step 17
- Add a data source in report data.
- Right-click on "Data Sources" and click on "Add Data Source".
Step 18
Provide the data source a name and select data source reference.
![select data source reference]()
Step 19
- Add a data set in the report data.
- Right-click on "Datasets" and click on "Add Dataset".
Step 20
Provide a data set name and select shared data set.
![select shared data set]()
Step 21
- Open the report file.
- Right-click on the design surface, select "Insert" and click on "Table".
Step 22
- It will add a table on the report design surface.
- Set "State Row ID" and "State Name" in two separate column headers.
- Map "StateRowID" in the first column.
Step 23
Map "StateName" in the second column.
![second column]()
Step 24
Select and delete the third column.
![delete the column]()
Step 25
Now the report design is ready.
![Now report design]()
Step 26
- Click on preview to check the report.
- Pass some parameter value.
Step 27
You can see the list of states for the country you passed in the parameter.
![states for the country]()
Step 28
- Add one more parameter in Report Data.
- Right-click on "Parameters" and click on "Add Parameter".
Step 29
Select "General", provide a parameter name and select its visibility to "Hidden".
![Specify values]()
Step 30
- Select "Default Values".
- Select the "Specify values" option and specify "0" as the value.
Step 31
Open "CountryMasterReport.rdl", right-click on "CountryRowID" and click on "Text Box Properties".
![Map the parameter]()
Step 32
- In the text box properties select "Action".
- Select "Go to report" in Enable as an action.
- Specify "CountryMasterReport".
- Map the parameter with "CountryRowID".
Step 33
Right-click on the report design surface, select "Insert" and click on "Subreport".
Step 34
Right-click on the subreport area and select "Subreport Properties".
![Subreport Properties]()
Step 35
Select "General", provide the appropriate name.
Select the report that we want to display as a subreport, in other words "RptCountryDetailReport".
Step 36
Select "Parameters" and map the parameter for CountryRowID.
![map the parameter for CountryRowID]()
Step 37
Now our complete report design is ready.
![design is ready]()
Step 38