Generic Method Overloading in C#


I would like to introduce generic method overloading.

It would be good for you to already understand generics in C# but if not then please visit the following link.

Basics of Generic Classes in C#

First we will understand simple overloading then move towards generic overloading.

Steps and code

Add the following class to the project:

  1. public class SimpleClass  
  2. {  
  3.     public void GetData(int x)  
  4.     {  
  5.         Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData and Datetype:" + x.GetType().Name);  
  6.     }  
  8.     public void GetData(string xStr)  
  9.     {  
  10.         Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData and Datetype:" + xStr.GetType().Name);  
  11.     }  


  1. class Program  
  2. {  
  3.     static void Main(string[] args)  
  4.     {  
  5.         SimpleClass o = new SimpleClass();  
  6.         o.GetData(345);  
  7.         o.GetData("Devesh is testing the code");  
  8.         Console.ReadKey();  
  9.     }  

Running the Code

The following will be the output:


Understanding the code

We have created the GetData function with overloaded functions having integer and string parameters.

When we passed an integer to the method first GetData (int x ) is called else if we passed a string then GetData(string xStr) is called.

Understanding the code

Now we have a basic knowledge of method overloading.
Let us move towards Generic Method Overloading.

Now we are updating the GetData() method as a generic method.

  1. public void GetData<T>(T obj)  
  2. {  
  3.     Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData<T>,"+ obj.GetType().Name);  

The following would be the complete code:

  1. public class SimpleDemoClass  
  2. {           
  3.      public void GetData<T>(T obj)  
  4.      {  
  5.         Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData<T>,"+ obj.GetType().Name);  
  6.      }       
  7.      public void GetData(int x)  
  8.      {  
  9.         Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData" + x.GetType().Name);  
  10.      }       
  11.      public void GetxNextData<T>(T obj)  
  12.      {  
  13.          GetData(obj);  
  14.      }     
  15.  } 


  1. class Program  
  2. {  
  3.       Static void Main(string[] args)  
  4.       {   
  5.            SimpleDemoClass sobj = new SimpleDemoClass();  
  6.            sobj.GetData("data is for testing by-Devesh");  
  7.            sobj.GetData(95);  
  8.            sobj.GetxNextData(1234);  
  9.            Console.ReadKey();  
  10.        }  

Running code

Running code

Understanding the code.

Under standing the code

  • When we called sobj.GetData("data is for testing by-Devesh");
  • Getdata<T>(T obj) is called. Because we are passing a string and this is implicitly an object
  • When we called sobj.GetData(95);, GetData(int x ) is called because we are passing an integer to the GetData method.
  • During runtime, the compiler decides to invoke the best sutiable method to be invoked


Here we learned the basics of generic method overloading.

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