NuGet is a Visual Studio extension and you can get it from here.
It helps you to:
- Add library and tools to Visual Studio .Net Framework project
- Remove library and tools to Visual Studio .Net Framework project
- Update library and tools to Visual Studio .Net Framework project
NuGet does all the necessary tasks required to
work with a library or tool. It:
- Modifies config files
- Add or remove references
- Sync updated feature with source control of the project
Downloading and Installing
To download go to and click on InstallNuGet.
You will be redirected to You need to click download to download the NuGet Package Manager.
After downloading, click on the package to install.
It will take a fraction of a second to install it.
After successful installation if you go to Tools then Library Package Manager,
you will get the option for Package Manager.
If you want to check all the available NuGet commands, you can check as below:
If you want to see list of packages available you can see as below. In the following command:
In this way you can update and remove a package as well.
You can read the full documentation
here. Now what are you waiting for? Go ahead and use NuGet. I hope this
article will add some value to your learning.
Thanks for reading.
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