Assume you have a date in you database such as 2015-07-08 00:00:00.000 and you want to show only 2015-07-08 and assume you have a time in your database such as 02:28:02.3467545 AM and you want to show it like 02:28:02 AM. I will show how to write a select statement to get the preceding Date Time format.
I have the following 2 Tables:
- Employee
- EmployeeDetails
Data in my Employee
Data in my Employee Details Table
Now I will write a join query to fetch data from both tables:
- E.Name,
- E.Email,
- E.ManagerName,
- ED.JoiningDate,
- ED.JoiningTime
- Employee AS E
- INNER JOIN EmployeeDetails AS ED ON E.ID = ED.Emp_ID;
Execute this and see result as in the following:
In the preceding result the Date and Time format is the same as we have in our database. So now we will convert like this:
- E.Name,
- E.Email,
- E.ManagerName,
- VARCHAR(10),
- ED.JoiningDate,
- 101
- ) AS JoininDate,
- ED.JoiningTime,
- 108
- ) + ' ' + RIGHT(
- CONVERT(VARCHAR, ED.JoiningTime, 100),
- 3
- ) AS JoiningTime
- Employee AS E
- INNER JOIN EmployeeDetails AS ED ON E.ID = ED.Emp_ID