Create Reporting Services Service Application in SharePoint

The Reporting Services service application must be running in one of the application servers, then only the reporting service feature can be used in SharePoint Integrated Mode.


The following steps must be executed to successfully create and configure the Reporting Services service application.

Verify the Reporting Services SharePoint service is installed and started

  1. Go to SharePoint Central Admin Site
  2. Go to System Settings Section and click on "Manage Service on Server"

  3. In the Services Listing page look for the service "SQL Server Reporting Services".

  4. If you did not see the service in the manage services page, then use the PowerShell command to install and start the service. By default this will be automatically installed and started during the installation of Reporting Service installation in Application Server. So no need run these steps unless you could not find the service in the Mange services page.

    • Install-SPRSService (Run this PowerShell command to install the SQL Server Reporting Services Service).

    • Install-SPRSServiceProxy (Run this PowerShell command to install the SQL Server Reporting Services Service Proxy).

    • Get-spserviceinstance -all |where {$_.TypeName -like "SQL Server Reporting*"} | Start-SPServiceInstance (Run this PowerShell command to Start the SQL Server Reporting Services Service).

Once the verification is completed and ensured that the SQL Server Reporting Services Service is running then we can create the service application.

Create Reporting Services Service Application

  1. Go To SharePoint Central Admin Site
  2. Go to Application Management Section and click on "Manage Service Application".

  3. In Manage Service Application click on "New Menu"

  4. Click on "SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application" that brings up the new service application screen as in the following.

  5. Specify a Unique Name in Create Service Application Screen.

  6. Create a new web Application pool Service Application by selecting the option "Create new application Pool" and specify the application pool account.

  7. Specify the Database Server and Database name

  8. Specify the Authentication method to the database. If you don't want to use the service application's application pool account for connecting to database then use the stored credentials option.

  9. Specify the Web Application Association

  10. Click "Ok" to create the Service Application
  11. Wait for the operation to complete

  12. After completion it will show a success message and link to provision the subscription and alerts.

  13. Ensure the Service Application Shows up in the Manage Service Application Page


Now the service application is ready to use in the SharePoint Farm.

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