A constraint is nothing but a condition placed on the column or object. Let's see a small example of creating a Primary Key constraint.CREATE TABLE SANTHOSH_TABLE (NAME VARCHAR(100),ID INT PRIMARY KEY,DOB DATETIME)
---- INSERT RECORDS INTO THE TABLE ----------INSERT INTO SANTHOSH_TABLE VALUES('VENKAT',1,'1/1/2010')INSERT INTO SANTHOSH_TABLE VALUES('LINGAM',2,'1/1/2009')INSERT INTO SANTHOSH_TABLE VALUES('ILAM',3,'1/2/2010')INSERT INTO SANTHOSH_TABLE VALUES('SANTHOSH',4,'1/3/2010')INSERT INTO SANTHOSH_TABLE VALUES('SIVARAM',5,'1/4/2010') SELECT * FROM SANTHOSH_TABLEThe Primary key constraint name is PK__SANTHOSH__3214EC2762AFA012 which looks tough to remember the name. This name is automatically generated by SQL Server. Can we change it to a specific name for the Constriant?The following query will drop (delete) the constraint located for the table.--------- DROP CONSTRAINT ON THE TABLEALTER TABLE SANTHOSH_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT PK__SANTHOSH__3214EC2762AFA012 Now, lets see how to name a constraint.---- DROPPING THE TABLE------------DROP TABLE SANTHOSH_TABLE---- NAMING THE CONSTRAINTS EXPLICITLY------------CREATE TABLE SANTHOSH_TABLE (NAME VARCHAR(100),ID INT ,DOB DATETIME,CONSTRAINT PK_ID_SANTHOSH PRIMARY KEY (ID))Cheers,Venkatesan Prabu .J
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