Abstraction and Interface in C#


using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Abstract1.
/// </summary>
/// Abstract class
abstract class Abstract1
public Abstract1()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
//non-abstract method
public void nonabmethod()
Console.WriteLine("Non Abstract Method!");
//abstract method
public abstract void abmethod(); //they are implicitly virtual it is not contain the body of the method
public static void Main()
myclass mycls = new myclass();
class myclass : Abstract1 //class derived from abstract class
public override void abmethod() //must implement the abstract method derived in class
Console.WriteLine("Abstract Method!");


using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Abstract2. Partial implementation of abstract class
/// </summary>
abstract class Abstract2
public static void Main()
myclass2 mycl = new myclass2();
public Abstract2()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public abstract void method1();
public abstract void method2();
abstract class myclass1 : Abstract2
public override void method1()
Console.WriteLine("Abstract Method #1");
class myclass2 : myclass1
public override void method2()
Console.WriteLine("Abstract Method #2");

using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Abstract3.
/// </summary>
/// abstract class derived from non abstract class
public class Abstract3
public static void Main()
mainclass mcl = new mainclass();
public Abstract3()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public void noabsmethod()
Console.WriteLine("Non-Abs class method");
abstract class absclass : Abstract3
public abstract void absmethod();
class mainclass : absclass
public override void absmethod()
Console.WriteLine("Abstract method call");

using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Abstract4.
/// </summary>
/// abstract class dervied from interface
public abstract class Abstract4 : myowninterface
public static void Main()
myclasses mc = new myclasses();
public Abstract4()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public void IMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Method implementation from interface");
interface myowninterface
void IMethod();
class myclasses : Abstract4

using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Abstract5.
/// </summary>
public abstract class Abstract5
public static void Main()
Abstract5 abs = new baseclass(); // Polymorphism
public Abstract5()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public abstract void method();
public abstract void method1();
class baseclass : Abstract5
     public override void method()
     Console.WriteLine("Abstract Method1 of baseclass");
public override void method1()
Console.WriteLine("Abstract Method2 of baseclass");


using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Interface1.
/// </summary>
public class Interface1 : myinterface
public static void Main()
Interface1 inf1 = new Interface1();
public Interface1()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public void callmethod()
Console.WriteLine("callmethod implemented!");

interface myinterface
void callmethod();

using System;
namespace OOPs
/// <summary>
/// Combining Interfaces
/// </summary>
public class Interface2 : combineinterface
public static void Main()
Interface2 inf2 = new Interface2();
public Interface2()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public void show()
Console.WriteLine("Show Method Call!");
public void display()
Console.WriteLine("Dislay Method Call!");
interface myinterface1
void show();
interface myinterface2
void display();
interface combineinterface : myinterface1, myinterface2

namespace OOPs
public class Interface3 : interdemo
public static void Main()
Interface3 inf3 = new Interface3();
if (inf3 is interdemol)
interdemol id = (interdemol)inf3;
bool ok = id.display();
Console.WriteLine("Method implmented");
Console.WriteLine("Method not implmented");
public Interface3()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public bool show()
Console.WriteLine("Show method call");
return true;
interface interdemo
bool show();
interface interdemol
bool display();

namespace OOPs
public class Interface4 : inf1, inf2
public static void Main()
Interface4 infobj = new Interface4();
public Interface4()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
void inf1.show12()
Console.WriteLine("call show method1!");
void inf2.show12()
Console.WriteLine("call show method2!");
interface inf1
void show12();
interface inf2
void show12();
interface inf : inf1, inf2

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