Automating The Building Of UWP Project Using Jenkins

Here are the steps to automate the building of UWP project using Jenkins. Jenkins is an open source tool:

Step 1: Go to your Jenkins Portal and click on New Item on the left.


Step 2: Select Freestyle Project and give a Item Name and then click on OK.

 Freestyle Project

Step 3:

This is the place where you do the configuration stuff e.g. Source Code Management, etc.

Give a Description if you want.


Step 4:

This is where the fun begins. Scroll down to Build and click on Add Build Step -> Execute Windows Batch Command.


Step 5:
This step is basically for restoring Nuget packages before the project is actually built. Enter the following in the Command box:

NuGet.exe restore "Path_To_Solution" -ConfigFile "path_To_Nuget_ConfigFile" –NoCache

In my case it looks like:


Step 6:

Again click on Add Build Step and click on Windows PowerShell [Please Note: For this you should have PowerShell plugin for Jenkins Installed].

Add Build Step

Step 7:

This step is basically for the building of the UWP Project. Add the following code to the Windows PowerShell Command box:

# Path to Msbuild tool
# $msbuild = "[Path to MsBuild.exe. See below for reference]"
$msbuild = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe"
set-alias msbuild $msbuild
# solution settings
# $sln_name = "[Path to Solution File. See below for reference]"
$sln_name = "C:\Users\Saurabh\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\uwptry\uwptry.sln"
$vs_config = "Release"
$vs_platfom = "ARM"
# call the build method
Write-Host "Building solution`n" -foregroundcolor Green
msbuild $sln_name /t:Build /p:Configuration=$vs_config /p:Platform=$vs_platfom /v:q /nologo

This is how it looks:


Step 8: Click on Save.


Step 9: Now click on Build Now on the left side.

Build Now

Step 10: The build process starts. The build is in progress.


Step 11:

If it’s a Sunny day out and you have always done good deeds, the build is successful just like in my case. If the ball is red in color, build failed.


Step 12:

Click on the Build number (#1 in my case). Now click on Console output to see the build process.


Step 13: As we can see from the Console output  the build was successful. We can also infer other important information from the Console output.

Console output

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