- Cloud Berry Explorer.
- Azure Subscription.
Step 1: Login to New Portal.
Step 2: Storage Account (Classic).
Select Storage Account (Classic) from the left side menu to add the Storage Account.
Step 3: Add storage.
Click on Add (+) button, to add the storage shown below, which is the list of storage which is already created.
Step 4: Fill the necessary details.
Fill the necessary details to create the storage.
Please give the name in lowercase letters and numbers.
It will check the storage name, whether it already exists or not.
Select LRS (Locally-redundant storage), as there are many options like ZRS, GRS, RA-GRS.
The basic information is shown below and for the details, please visit this page.
Step 5: Deployment.
Click Create button as it will start the deployment.
Now, storage is available; click it and it will give you all details of Manage Key.
Step 6: Manage Key.
Click Key, highlighted in the image, shown below and it will give you Storage Account Name and Primary and Secondary Access key to Access from Explorer.
Step 7: Install CloudBerry Explorer for Azure. Go to link and download the Explorer by Freeware.
Step 8: Connect Storage Account.
Open the CloudBerry Explorer. It will ask for registration, just click register later. It is shown below:
Select New Storage Account from Source Dropdown from any side, I am going to select from right side.
Double click on Azure Blob, it will ask Display Name, Account and Shared Key.
You can give any display name here, I am giving the same name as Account Name. Copy any one primary or secondary from Portal; from Manage key and paste it in Shared key.
After all the details are filled in, test the connection.
Click close and say OK, it will show you the storage.
Just close this window by clicking close and you will see the storage account in source dropdown list.
Step 9: Create Container.
Select myfirststorage7 to add to the Container. We don’t have any container in it.
Hence, click on the new Container, there is an image of a Container, shown in the image below:
It will ask for Container name and Access Control; just choose the full public read access. Container name should be in lowercase.
Click OK button, it will show you the Container in your storage.
You can see the Container is created in blob in the portal, and by clicking on blobs from your storage. You can create Container from the portal also, that we will see later.
Step 10: Store files in the Container.
I created folder in “C” drive and gave name Storage.
First, we will create and store some files in that folder. I have copied Tulip image, and created text file and word file in that storage folder.
Now, we will copy or move all the three files to the Storage’s container.
Here, I am copying these all.
Click Yes.
You can do copying and moving from your local machine, storage and vice versa.
Step 11: Access files from the portal.
Go to Container from the portal and select the particular file to get the link to access.
Copy the link and paste in the Browser.
Here are your files.
Hence, from the steps shown above, you can create Storage account, Container, store and access the files from the portal.