Today, I am writing about the Web parts available on SharePoint and SharePoint On-Premises. As we know, the Web part is a very important part of SharePoint to add some specific information and the details on the page or the list & any other links.
As per MSDN: By using web parts, we can modify the content, appearance, and behavior of pages of a SharePoint site by using a browser. Web parts are server-side controls that run inside a web part page: they're the building blocks of pages that appear on a SharePoint site.
The list of the common Web Part categories is given below for SharePoint 2013, 2016 and SharePoint Online.
This Web is default for all SharePoint versions even for SPO. Some list has been created by default throughout the site, which is shown above.
Provides Web parts for a blog site.
Blog Archives
Provides quick links to older blog posts.
Blog Notifications
Provides quick links to register for the blog posts notifications, using alerts or RSS feed.
Blog Tools
Provides blog owners and administrators with the quick links to the common settings pages and content lists for managing a blog site.
Business data
This is a group of the Web part, which will display information about business information, such as status, indicators and other business data. This group also includes Web parts for embedding Excel, Visio documents and displaying the data from the Business Connectivity Services (BCS; a component of SharePoint that allows you to connect to the data stored outside SharePoint). This includes many of sub Web parts and the details are shown below.
Business Data Action
Displays a list of actions from business data connectivity.
Business Data Connectivity Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts, using a list of values from the Business Data Connectivity
Business Data Item
Displays one item from a data source in Business Data Connectivity.
Business Data Item Builder
Creates a Business Data item from the parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web parts
Business Data List
Displays a list of the items from a data source in Business Data Connectivity.
Business Data Related List
Displays a list of the items related to one or more parent items from a data source in Business Data Connectivity
Excel Web Access
Use Excel Web Access Web part to interact with an Excel workbook as a Web page.
Indicator Detail
Displays the details of a single Status Indicator. Status Indicators displays an important measure for an organization and may be obtained from other data sources including SharePoint lists, Excel workbooks and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services KPIs.
Status List
Shows a list of Status Indicators. Status Indicators display important measures for your organization and show how your organization is performing with respect to your goals.
Visio Web Access
Enables viewing and refreshing of Visio Web Drawings.
This is a group of the Web parts for the community features of SharePoint, such as membership, joining a community and information about the community. In addition, there are tools for community administrators.
About this community
This Web part displays the community description and other properties like established date. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has community features turned on.
Provides the ability for non-members of a community site to join the community. The button hides itself if the user is already a member. This Web part will work on the community sites or any other site that has community features turned on.
My membership
Displays reputation and membership information for the current visitor of a community site. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has community features turned on.
Provides the community owners and the administrators with quick links to common settings pages and content lists for managing a community site. This Web part will work on the community sites or any other site that has community features turned on.
What's happening
Displays the number of members, topics and replies within a community site. This Web part will work on the community sites or any other site that has community features turned on.
Content Rollup
New and powerful search is offered with the continuous crawl. We can really use it in our operational sites such as rolling up search results, providing project summaries, displaying timelines and showing the relevant documents throughout the site.
Displays the categories from the site directory.
Content Search
Content search Web part will allow you to show ithe tems that are the results of a search query, you specify.
Project Summary
Displays the information about a project in an easy to read overview.
Relevant Documents
Displays the documents that are relevant to the current user.
RSS Viewer
Display RSS feed.
Site Aggregator
Displays sites of your choice.
Sites in Category
Displays sites from the site directory within a specific category.
Term Property
Displays the specified property of a term.
Use this timeline to show a high level view of data from another Webpart or the tasks list.
WSRP Viewer
Displays portlets from the Websites, using WSRP 1.1.
XML Viewer
Transforms XML data, using XSL and shows the results.
Document sets
Designed for working with the sets of documents.
The Web part contents of sub parts are shown below.
Web parts can be used to filter the information. These Web parts are designed to be connected with other Web parts in order to provide a useful filtering mechanism. This Web part also has multiple sub parts.
Apply Filters Button
Add this button to a page, so the users can decide when to apply their filter choices, else each filter is applied when its value is changed.
Choice Filter
It filters the contents of the Web parts, using a list of values entered by the page author.
Current User Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts by using the properties of the current user.
Date Filter
Filter the contents of the Web parts by allowing the users to enter or pick a date.
Page Field Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts, using information about the current page.
Query String (URL) Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts, using values passed via the query string.
SharePoint List Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts by using a list of the values.
SQL Server Analysis Services Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts, using a list of the values from SQL Server Analysis Services cubes.
Text Filter
Filters the contents of the Web parts by allowing the users to enter a text value.
Web Parts allow you to embed HTML or InfoPath forms in a page.
Media and Content
Web parts that displays media, such as images, videos, and pages. In addition, there is also a Web part to display Silverlight.
Content Editor
Allows the authors to enter rich text content.
Get started with your site
This Web part displays a set of the tiles with common SharePoint actions.
Image Viewer
Displays a specified image.
Media Web Part
It is used to embed media clips (video and audio) in a Web page.
Page Viewer
Displays another Web page on this Web page. The other Web page is presented in an IFrame.
Picture Library Slideshow Web Part
It is used to display a slideshow of the images and the photos from a picture library.
Script Editor
Allows the authors to insert HTML snippets or scripts.
Silverlight Web Part
A Web part to display a Silverlight Application.
Provides the Web parts for the search functionality, such as the search box for entering a query, search results and the refinement of results.
This Webpart helps the users to refine the search results.
Search Box
Displays a search box that allows the users to search for the information.
Search Navigation
This Webpart helps the users to navigate among search verticals.
Search Results
Displays the search results and the properties associated with them.
Search-Driven Content
Provides the Web parts that display the content based on search. For example, Web Parts show items matching a certain tag, pages based on a search query and the recently changed items.
Catalog-Item Reuse
Use this Web Part to reuse or republish the content of an item from a catalog.
Items Matching a Tag
This Web Part will show items that are tagged with a term.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site matching the page navigation context.
This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Pages content type.
This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Picture or Image content type.
Popular Items
This Web Part will show items that have been recently viewed by many users.
Recently Changed Item
This Web Part will show items that have been modified recently. This can help site users track the latest activity on a site or a library.
Recommended Items
This Web Part will show content recommendations based on usage patterns for the current page.
This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Video content type. It will sort items by number of views.
Web Pages
This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Page content type.
Wiki Pages
This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Wiki Page content type.
Social Collaboration
Web Parts designed for the social components of SharePoint, such as user contact details, shared note board, tag clouds, and user tasks
Contact Details
Displays the details about a contact for this page or site.
Note Board
Enable the users to leave short, publicly-view able notes about this page.
Organization Browser
This Web part displays each person in the reporting chain in an interactive view optimized for browsing organization charts.
Site Feed
Site Feed contains micro blogging conversations on a group site.
Site Users
Use the site users Web part to see a list of the site users and their online status.
Tag Cloud
Displays the most popular subjects being tagged inside your organization.
User Tasks
Displays the tasks, which are assigned to the current user.