Everyone needs a CV. This is a short tutorial to show you, how you can create a neat CV and have it hosted on GitHub, absolutely free. It will look, as shown below:
You need to have an GitHub account:
You need to install a Git Client (Term on MAC or GitBash on windows):
Step 1 : Create the one line CV
Create a Git Repo with name as:, where the username is your GitHub username. If you need help on this, see
Using your favourite Git Client, run the following commands (remember to replace the username with your username).
git clone
echo "{Your Name}’s one line CV" > index.html
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
Now, point your Browser to the following: and you should see the really cool one line CV.
Now, that’s great and if you want a one line CV, your job is done. If however, you need to make the CV, a little more useful, we should change index.html to represent an attractive CV.
While I can create an OK CV page in HTML, I can not do one, as good as the page, you can see above. This template is created by Thomas Hardy. I have made some minor changes to keep it as simple as possible.
Step 2 : Use the CV
Download the three files from and copy them into the same directory, as index.html (you do need to replace index.html).
Now, edit index.html and enter all your valid information.
Remember, it is a public site, so all the information available on this site will be available to the entire world. Do not include anything, you do not wish to be publicly available.
Hence, use the following Git commands to push these changes to your GitHub repo.
git add --all
git commit -m "Added additional files and edited index.html"
git push -u origin master
Now, if you browse to, you should see your new CV!!!!
Several other articles like this are available at:
Huge thanks to a few people:
- Thomas Hardy - brilliant template
- Neha Sood - Reviewer.
- Aparna Desai - Reviewer.