This article is going to explain the steps to create a virtual machine environment in the Azure portal. I hope all of you guys know about the virtual machine concept. If anyone doesn’t know about it, just Google it once and get an idea about it. Azure provides many services. The virtual machine services are one of the greatest services. This virtual machine service of Azure will provide more than twenty virtual machines. You can choose the desired virtual machine, if you need. Now, let us see the steps to create the virtual machine. Prior to it, make sure to login to Azure portal.
Opening Virtual Machine menu
In the left side of the home page of Azure portal, you can find lot of menus. In it, choose the virtual machines menu. Once you click on the menu, you will see a new Window, which shows all the virtual machines which you created previously. Let us assume that this is the first time that you are creating a new virtual machine. Click on the add button in the top left corner. Once you click on the add button, you will be shown different types of virtual machines, which you can create in the Azure portal. Have a look over the screenshots given below. They explain all the steps and show the different types of virtual machines.
Creating Virtual Machine
Let us assume that now we are going to create the Windows Server operating system in the virtual machine environment. Right click on the machine's name. A new Window opens up, which shows different types and versions of the operating systems. Let me choose Windows Server 2016 Datacenter. Once you click on the menu, you will find a new window explaining the terms. Below it, you can find the deployment model selecting option and a create button. Once you select the model, click on the create button.
Configuring the Virtual Machine
Once you click on the create button, the machine gets created in the virtual environment. Now before using it, you should configure the machine. You can find four options as basics, size, settings and summary. In the first click on the Basics, you should give name, user name, password, type of subscription and location of the machine environment. Once you enter the details, the next is to choose the size of the machine. In this option, you should choose the memory size and other details. The next is the security settings and adding some optional features. The next one is Summary. Once you fill all these, you can use your virtual machine. You will be charged based on the usage of your virtual machine.
When a virtual machine is created, make sure that your credit of charge for Azure portal will be based on the specifications which you have given in the configuration of the machine, which you have created. Make sure to stop or delete the machine once your use with it is over, else you might lose all your credit. Hope, you learned something and liked the article. Thank you.