Tools Used: Visual C# .NETDrag and Drop in C# has been a question on the UseNet and many websites on C# so I have decided to tackle the problem here. This is an update of the directory tree component download on this web site. The directory component allows you to peruse directories and files. To demonstrate drag and drop, I've added to the component the capability of dragging and dropping files from within the treeview. If you hold the control key down, you can also copy files. All the source for this is in the download above.Drag and DropMicrosoft has added a series of properties and events to help you use drag and drop with your controls. You must set the AllowDrop property to allow for dragging and dropping within the tree view. Also there are about 5 major events available for trapping drag drop operations. We use 4 of them here: ItemDrag, DragOver, DragEnter, and DragDrop.
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