Getting Started With Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services APIs Account


Microsoft Cognitive Services offer awesome APIs and services for developers to create more intelligent applications. You can add interesting features, like people's emotions and video detection, face, speech, and vision recognition and speech and language understanding into your application. The following sample image shows emotion and face detection using Cognitive Service.


In this article, you will get to understand how to create a Cognitive Services API account in the Azure Portal.


  1. Create a free trial Azure subscription account from Azure portal.
  2. If you are looking for paid version, click here for details.


Create a Cognitive Services Account in Azure

You can follow the below steps for creating a Cognitive Services API account in the Azure Portal.

Step 1

Sign in to the Azure portal.

Step 2

Click + NEW and select AI + Cognitive Services.


Step 3

You will see the entire list of Cognitive Services APIs. Click on the API of your choice to proceed.


Step 4

Select on the required API and read about the API and click on "Create".


Step 5

After this, fill in the following information for creating Cognitive Service and click on "Create".


  • Name
    Microsoft recommends a descriptive name for API, for example - <common name><APIName>Account.

  • Subscription
    Select the available Azure subscriptions.

  • Location
    Select the service locations.

  • Pricing tier
    You can choose your pricing tier. F0 is free service and S0 is paid service. Based on your usage, you can choose the pricing tier


    Select the Resource group > confirm the Microsoft notice and click on "Create" again for creating the account.

Step 6

Wait for few seconds, and you will get notification after completion. If Cognitive Services account is successfully deployed, click the notification to view the account information.

You can see and copy the Endpoint URL in the Overview section.


You can also copy keys in the Keys section to start making API calls in your Xamarin or other applications.



In this article, you learned about how to Create a Cognitive Services APIs account in the Azure Portal.

If you have any questions/ feedback/ issues, please write in the comment box.

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