Today, you are going to learn about the Google Vision API using Android Studio and we are going to build a barcode reader app to scan the barcodes. Please follow the below steps carefully to build the Barcode Reader App.
Google API
- Google Vision API is used to find the objects like images, faces in photos, and videos, and barcodes.
- It recognizes the texts and other things which are digitally captured; thus, it is very useful to build our barcode reader app.
Barcode API Overview
- This app will let us to detect the information from a barcode with the help of Vision API.
- A barcode is classified into 1d Barcode and 2d Barcode.
- To know more about it, you can visit the Barcode API information page from Google Developers portal.
- Android Studio
- How to code
- Understanding basic functionlaities of how API works
- Free to learn
Steps to follow
Add the below code in "build gradle" to add library files to our Barcode reader.
- compile ''
Now, we are going to include Barcode Reader library to work correctly. First, we need to build the gradle codes and Android Hive. Then, add Barcode Reader code to it.
- build.gradle
- dependencies {
- implementation 'info.androidhive:barcode-reader:1.1.5'
- implementation ''
- }
It is time to add Activity fragment to which we can invoke the Camera fragment.
- <fragment
- android:id="@+id/barcode_scanner"
- android:name="info.androidhive.barcode.BarcodeReader"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- app:auto_focus="true"
- app:use_flash="false" />
- This is code for Camera Actvity
Now, let's add the following code to work our project correctly and name it as in class library.