We are going to create Azure Container Service in Azure portal. For that we need to create SSH key which is needed to establish SSH connection with cluster (on Windows), for that we need to install putty-0.67-installer.msi (From this URL - http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html ) after installation open Putty key Generator and click on generate.
After clicking on generate you need to move mouse randomly in area to generate randomness shown in fig.
Once progress bar has completed your ssh key will be generated you need to provide password in keypassphrase area as shown in below figure and save as private key on your desktop.
Now it's time to create Microsoft Azure Container Service from Azure Portal so log in to portal.azure.com by your email id and password of active Azure subscription. Click on New button search container in search bar and select Azure container service.
Provide your username, copy and paste that ssh key, create new RG, select location and click on OK.
After this there are three orchestrator Configuration methods will come in drop down box.
Datacenter Operating System – This is an open source distributed operating system which is based on the Open Source Apache Mesos Distributed Operating System Kernal. This is capable of managing Machines in the cloud or maybe machines on premises from a single instance, it can deploy containers, distributed services, and legacy applications into these machines and also provide networking service, service discovery and resource management to keep the services always running and easily communicating with each other.
Kubernetes was developed by Google as an Open Source Project which is written in Go Language, and which is used to manage clusters of Docker hosts and manage docker hosts like master – slave to control them, and which also shared network and storage between hosts. Microsoft Azure supports this kubernetes in Azure Container Service.
Docker Swarm is a clustering tool for Dockers which is helpful to convert multiple docker engines into a single cluster and make it like a single docker engine. In this way we can make a pool of Azure VMs that is container host and by which we can scale out our applications using Docker Swarm.
After selection of DC/OS you need to select Vm Size as shown in the figure below DS1, which has 1 core processor and 3.5 GB RAM, 2 Data Disks and 3200 Max IOPS, and 7 GB Local SSD available.
After clicking on purchase button your ACS Deployment starts, and it will take a couple of minutes to deploy.