Listed below are the limitations one must be aware of in Microsoft Teams.
These are the current limitations as of now in Microsoft Teams and may or may not be changed by Microsoft in the future.
- What is the maximum number of teams that can be created in an Office 365 tenant?
The default maximum number of teams that an Office 365 tenant can have is currently 500,000.
- How many owners can there be for a team in Microsoft Teams?
A team can have 100 owners.
- How many channels can we create in a team in Microsoft Teams?
We can create 100 channels in a team.
- How many teams can a user create?
A user can create 250 teams.
- How many teams can a global administrator create?
A global admin can create an unlimited number of teams.
- What is the maximum number of members you can add to a team?
A team owner can add 999 members to a team.
- Can I search for a private team?
No, you can’t search for a private team
- Can I customize a team if I’m not the owner?
No, you can’t customize a team if you’re not the owner of it.
- What is the maximum number of members a user can add to a chat?
There can be 20 members in a private chat, including the user who created the chat.
- What is the maximum number of people in a meeting?
The maximum number of people in a meeting is 80.
- How many people can join a Team which is public?
The maximum number of people for a public team is 2500.
- How do I restrict the creation of Teams for my end users?
Since Microsoft Teams is officially backed up by an Office 365 group, restricting the access to create an Office 365 group will also restrict the creation of a Team in Microsoft Teams. As a result, users won’t be a to see “Add a Team “button in Microsoft Teams.
Please go through this link to know in detail about creating restrictions for Teams.
- If I add a user to an Office 365 group which was created as a part of Team will he have access to the Team?
Yes, he will have access and it would take 15 mins for him to gain access to the Team once he has been added to the Office 365 group. However, the SLA for this is 24 hours.
Thanks for reading this post …. Good luck with Microsoft Teams!!!