Tasks List in SharePoint Online
A SharePoint Tasks list displays a collection of tasks that are part of a project. A task is a discrete work item that a single person is assigned to.
In this article, you will learn about the following.
So, let’s start one by and we will show the demo for each of the above points.
Create Tasks List on SharePoint Site
We have to follow a few steps to create Tasks list in SharePoint online and the same steps will be applied to other SharePoint version as well.
To create Task list in SharePoint online, log into the site and navigate your page to site contents.
Click on the gear box at top and select site contents; or click on quick launch site contents.
On the site contents page, select "New" drop down box and click on "App".
Creating new Task
Let's see how to create new tasks in the Tasks list in SharePoint online.
This action will call the "Create task" wizard. Here, we need to enter Task Name, Start Date, Due Date, Assigned to (SharePoint users whom you want to assign the task). From here, we can save and create new tasks but in case you want to create tasks with advanced mode, we need click on "Show More".
Once clicked, we will get some more boxes to enter information, such as - % Complete, Description, Predecessors (In case, you have created more items) or it will be none by defaultby default, Priority, Task Status (we can configure task status here only). Finally, click on "Save".
Creating Subtasks under the Tasks List in SharePoint Online
We can create sub tasks in case we have existing new tasks, but we can’t create directly new sub tasks. To create subtasks under the tasks list:
Click on elipses (click on “…” the preview pane)of created tasks and wait until property pop appears.
On the pop up we can see, there will be on option called create Subtasks shpwing, see below screen shot for more details,
Deleting Tasks or Subtask from SharePoint online tasks List
It's a common task for everyone like adding and deleting any items or objects from where we are creating them.
Here I will be showing how to delete tasks or subtasks under the task List in SharePoint online, we need to follow a few steps to complete these tasks.
Open tasks List and select tasks or subtask which you want to delete.
We can delete in two ways, like select tasks or subtask and click on items ribbon page and click on delete
Another way is to select tasks, click on eclipse and another eclipse and select delete items. From here see below screen shot which includes both ways to delete tasks. It will ask permission before deleting and it will move to the recycle bin so later you can recover it from the recycle bin also.
If you have created subtasks under task then deleting tasks will delete subtasks as well.
Adding Tasks to Timeline and removing from timeline
We can add multiple tasks in the time line and can remove them also.
Indent & Outdent the tasks in SharePoint Online
We can indent tasks in ean asy way, like we have created some subtasks under the main task and now I want to indent and show similar tasks to the main task.
Select task, click on tasks ribbon page, we can outdent and indent also can move up and move down the task from here, see below screen shot:
Task Views and Columns
Task views and columns are also the same as other lists in SharePoint online, there will be some new columns and view will be added here by default.
So we can add new columns here as well as modify them per our requirement
In the same way we can add view and can modify existing view.
Go back to task List page and you can change view from available option on SharePoint from List ribbon page or eclipse button. See below