ng-init Directive In AngularJS


In this article, we will see what ng-init directiv is in Angular JS. The ng-init directive allows you to evaluate the current expression in scope. We will see this with an example.

For more articles on AngularJS, kindly refer to,

Introduction: Create a simple page.
  1. <body>  
  2.     <form id="form1" runat="server">  
  3.         <div> </div>  
  4.     </form>  
  5. </body>  
  7. </html>  
In div element, we are going to use ng-init directive. We will create an expression, which will contain an array of employees.
  1. <div ng-init="employees = [  
  2. { name: " Akshay ",gender: 1, dateOfBirth: new Date("July 21,1960 "), Address: "Mumbai ", Salary: "1234.34 " },  
  3. { name: "Milind ",gender:2, dateOfBirth: new Date("July 20,1960 "), Address: "Nashik ", Salary: "12.34 " },  
  4. { name: "Raghvan ", gender:1,dateOfBirth: new Date("July 19,1960 "), Address: "Pune ", Salary: "1235.34 " },  
  5. { name: "Hari ", gender:1,dateOfBirth: new Date("July 18,1960 "), Address: "Mumbai ", Salary: "5589.34 " }  
  9. ]"> </div>  
As we included ng-init directive in div element, we don’t have to include it again. It will be refelected in child elements also .

In this, we will present the data in table and th elements to display those header elements.
  1. <table>  
  2.     <thead>  
  3.         <tr>  
  4.             <th>Name</th>  
  5.             <th>gender</th>  
  6.             <th>dateOfBirth</th>  
  7.             <th>Address</th>  
  8.             <th>Salary</th>  
  9.         </tr>  
  10.     </thead>  
  11. </table>  
In this, we will loop through those records in an array with ng-repeat directive as:
  1. <tr ng-repeat="employee in employees"></tr>  
We will use the binding expression to display the data:
  1. <td>{{}}</td>  
  2. <td>{{employee.gender}}</td>  
  3. <td>{{employee.dateOfBirth}}</td>  
  4. <td>{{employee.Address}}</td>  
  5. <<td>{{employee.Salary}}</td>  
You can also write the employees in the controller file and specify the controller name in ng-init as:
  1. var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController"function($scope)  
  2. {  
  3.     var employees = [{  
  4.         name: "Akshay",  
  5.         gender: 1,  
  6.         dateOfBirth: new Date("July 21,1960"),  
  7.         Address: "Mumbai",  
  8.         Salary: "1234.34"  
  9.     }, {  
  10.         name: "Milind",  
  11.         gender: 2,  
  12.         dateOfBirth: new Date("July 20,1960"),  
  13.         Address: "Nashik",  
  14.         Salary: "12.34"  
  15.     }, {  
  16.         name: "Raghvan",  
  17.         gender: 1,  
  18.         dateOfBirth: new Date("July 19,1960"),  
  19.         Address: "Pune",  
  20.         Salary: "1235.34"  
  21.     }, {  
  22.         name: "Hari",  
  23.         gender: 1,  
  24.         dateOfBirth: new Date("July 18,1960"),  
  25.         Address: "Mumbai",  
  26.         Salary: "5589.34"  
  27.     }];  
  28.     $scope.employees = employees;  
  29. });  
Now, just add the controller name and model name as:
  1. <body ng-app="mymodule">  
  3. <div ng-init="myController">  
You should always use a controller instead of ng-init to initialize $scope.

Ng-init should be used for aliasing special properties of ng-repeat directive .

First, we will create an array,

Here, I had created an array called semester.
  1. var mypartone = angular  
  2. .module("mymodule", [])  
  3. .controller("myController"function ($scope) {  
  4. var semester = [  
  6. ];  
Now, we need to create semesters and their respective subjects

In this array, kindly add:
  1. {  
  2.     name: "FirstSem",  
  3.     Test: [{  
  4.         name: "LetsUsC"  
  5.     }, {  
  6.         name: "DiscreteMaths"  
  7.     }]  
  8. }  
As you can see above, I created a name called as FirstSem and also created another array called as Test to display the various subjects and in this Test array, I had passed the various subjects. Create two more arrays for second sem and third sem so our model is:
  1. /// <reference path="angular.min.js" />  
  2. //Create a module  
  3. var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController"function($scope) {  
  4.     var semester = [{  
  5.         name: "FirstSem",  
  6.         Test: [{  
  7.             name: "LetsUsC"  
  8.         }, {  
  9.             name: "DiscreteMaths"  
  10.         }]  
  11.     }, {  
  12.         name: "SecondSem",  
  13.         Test: [{  
  14.             name: "PNS"  
  15.         }, {  
  16.             name: "OOPS"  
  17.         }]  
  18.     }, {  
  19.         name: "ThirdSem",  
  20.         Test: [{  
  21.             name: "Java"  
  22.         }, {  
  23.             name: "DCN"  
  24.         }]  
  25.     }];  
  26.     $scope.semester = semester;  
  27. });  
Now, let's understand how we are going to display these details in our view section.

As we want to display those in list items, first create a <ul> tag inside <ul> tag, write <li> tag and within <li tag> just write:

<li ng-repeat="sem in semester">

We are going to display the semester first:
  1. <ul>  
  2.     <li ng-repeat="sem in semester"> {{}} </li>  
  3. </ul>  
Now, just run the solution. We will see the output as:

We got various semesters. Now, we will display the subjects. Now, create another <ul> list as:
  1. <ul>  
  2.     <li ng-repeat="student in sem.Test"> {{}} </li>  
  3. </ul>  
In <li> tag, I had written student in sem.test as out Test array contains the various subjects and binded it with the

You can see in our final code, that we had nested ng-repeat, as shown below:
  1. <ul>  
  2.     <li ng-repeat="sem in semester"> {{}}  
  3.         <ul>  
  4.             <li ng-repeat="student in sem.Test"> {{}} </li>  
  5.         </ul>  
  6.     </li>  
  7. </ul>  
Now, just run the solution.


To find the index, just write this in front of the binding expression as: 

{{}} Index ={{$index}}


Now, run the solution.


As you can see, we got the index positions.

Now, I had to find out the parentindex postions. Here, in this example, we have only one parent index and those are subjects, so just write as:

  1. <ul>  
  2.     <li ng-repeat="sem in semester"> {{}} Index ={{$index}}  
  3.         <ul>  
  4.             <li ng-repeat="student in sem.Test"> {{}} parentindex={{$parent.$index}}, Index ={{$index}} </li>  
  5.         </ul>  
  6.     </li>  
  7. </ul>  
Now, run the solution.


You got the parent index.

The other way to find out parent index is to use ng-init directive and initialize a variable to it. Thus, let's see it as well. 

Just add ng-init, write any name name=$index and just assign the name to the ebinding expression.
  1. <li ng-repeat="sem in semester" ng-init="ParentIndex=$index">  
Assigning to binding expression is shown below:
  1. {{}} parentindex={{ParentIndex}}, Index ={{$index}}  
Thus, our final code will be:
  1. <ul>  
  2.     <li ng-repeat="sem in semester" ng-init="ParentIndex=$index"> {{}} Index ={{$index}}  
  3.         <ul>  
  4.             <li ng-repeat="student in sem.Test"> {{}} parentindex={{ParentIndex}}, Index ={{$index}} </li>  
  5.         </ul>  
  6.     </li>  
  7. </ul> 


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