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Component Description
Elastic Job Database A database in Azure SQL Database that the job agent uses to store job-related data, job definitions, etc. You need to create an Empty Azure SQL Database and choose the same while creating the Elastic Job Agent next
Elastic Job Agent

The Azure resource you create to run and manage Jobs. While Creating the Agent

Choose the SQL Database which acts as the Job Database that contains all the metadata about Jobs, Job Steps, and the information about the schedule in which the Jobs would run

Managed Identity – Select the appropriate MI which is used to run the Queries in the Target SQL Databases which are part of the Target Group explained later.

Job & Steps A job is a unit of work that is composed of one or more job steps. Job steps specify the T-SQL script to run, as well as other details required to execute the script.
Target Group

The set of servers, pools, and databases to run a job against.

All the Scripts configured in the Job Steps will be executed in the SQL Databases selected in the Target Group. You can also specify which databases to include and exclude.

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