The OSI Model: Exploring the Seven Layers of Networking


The OSI model is a seven-layer framework that explains how different network systems work together to send data. While many networks use the TCP/IP model today, the OSI model is still useful for troubleshooting and teaching how data moves between computers. This article will explain each layer's purpose, importance, and the protocols that help computers communicate.

OSI model Overview

The OSI model, which outlines the seven levels used by computer systems for network communication, emerged as the primary model in the early 1980s, widely adopted by major computer and telecommunications companies. However, the modern Internet leans towards the simpler TCP/IP paradigm instead of the more intricate OSI model. Nevertheless, the OSI 7-layer model remains prevalent for its utility in diagnosing and isolating networking issues, as well as illustrating network operations. Originating in 1983, it attained global standard status by ISO in the subsequent year, reflecting its enduring significance in the computer and telecommunications sectors.

Importance of OSI Model and Protocols

  1. Interoperability: The OSI model standardizes communication processes at each layer, enabling networks from different vendors to work together effectively.
  2. Component Development: By breaking down complex networking tasks into manageable components, the OSI model facilitates development, design, and troubleshooting processes.
  3. Industry Standardization: Defining functions at each layer promotes consistent practices across the industry, ensuring uniformity and compatibility among different network implementations.
    7 Layers
  4. Layer 1 Physical Layer: Layer 1 defines the physical and electrical medium for network communication, including sending and receiving bits, encoding signal types such as electricity, radio waves, and light, managing network cabling like copper or fiber, determining physical network topologies like star, mesh, or ring, adhering to the Ethernet IEEE 802.3 standard, and utilizing Layer 1 equipment such as hubs, media converters, and modems, thereby overseeing network hardware and physical topology.
    Physical Layer
  5. Layer 2 Data Link Layer: The data link layer, also known as the "Switching" layer, ensures messages are delivered to the correct device on a LAN using hardware addresses like MAC (Media Access Control) Address, focusing on local frame delivery, packages data into frames for the physical layer, and translates messages from the Network layer into bits for the Physical layer.
    Data Link Layer
  6. Layer 3 Network Layer: The network layer, also referred to as the "Routing" layer, offers logical addressing (IP Addressing) and routing services by placing source and destination IP addresses into packets, primarily using Internet Protocol (IP), IPv4, and IPv6 for logical addressing, facilitating efficient packet routing across a physical network.
    Network Layer
  7. Layer 4 Transport Layer: At the transport layer, data is segmented before transmission and reassembled upon arrival, ensuring error-free delivery and sequence, handling error control for accurate reception, managing flow to match the receiving device's speed, and can operate in either connection-oriented or connectionless mode, akin to the "Post Office" layer, which includes protocols like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
    Transport Layer
  8. Layer 5 Session Layer: The session layer is responsible for establishing, managing, and terminating communication sessions between network devices, ensuring data separation between different application sessions, utilizing Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to communicate with TCP/IP protocols, and coordinating communication between systems, including actions like starting, stopping, and restarting sessions.
  9. It offers three communication methods between devices: simplex, enabling one-way communication; half duplex, facilitating two-way communication with one device transmitting at a time; and full duplex, supporting simultaneous two-way communication between devices.
    Session Layer
  10. Layer 6 Presentation Layer: The presentation layer ensures data transferred from one system's application layer can be read by the application layer on another one, providing character code conversion, data compression, and encryption/decryption, such as converting Google Chrome HTML into ASCII format.
    Presentation Layer

Example Layer 6 File Formats

  • Web Browser: HTML, XML, JavaScript
  • Graphics Files: JPEG, GIF, PNG
  • Audio/Video: MPEG, MP3
  • Encryption: TLS, SSL
  • Text/Data: ASCII, EBCDIC

Layer 7 – Application Layer

The application layer is utilized by end-user applications such as web browsers and email clients. It provides protocols that enable software to communicate, receive data, and provide users with essential information.

  • Acting as an interface between applications and end-user protocols.
  • Provides an interface to communicate with the network (Outlook, Chrome, etc.).
  • Applications don’t reside in the application layer but instead interface with application layer protocols.

Example Application Layer Protocols

  • E-Mail: IMAP4, POP3, SMTP
  • Web Browsers: HTTP, HTTPS
  • Remote Access: SSH, Telnet


In networking, a protocol is a set of rules used to organize and handle data. Computer languages and network protocols share many similarities, and using protocols allows machines to communicate even if they use different software and hardware.


Transport Layer Protocols

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): Connection-Oriented
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol): Connectionless
  • TCP is the most widely used Transport Layer protocol because it is connection-oriented, which provides packet delivery reliability, i.e., guaranteed delivery.
  • UDP, being connectionless, is considered to be unreliable; however, it is more lightweight than TCP and often used for streaming or real-time data.

The Internet Protocol (IP)

  • An OSI Layer 3 protocol that defines routing and logical addressing of packets that allow data to traverse WANs and the Internet.
  • It specifies the formatting of packets and the logical addressing schema of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6
  • Its job is to connect different OSI Layer 2 (switched) networks together.
  • Provides end-to-end connectivity from one Layer 2 network to another via routers

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

  • OSI Layer 3 Internet Protocol (IP) companion “error reporting” protocol within the TCP/IP suite of protocols.
  • Just like IP, it’s connectionless.
  • Used to generate error messages to the source IP address when network issues prevent the delivery of a packet.
  • Typically used by routers to report packet delivery issues, and, most importantly, it can report errors but not correct them.
  • Commonly used by IT administrators to troubleshoot network connections with command-line utilities, including ping, pathping, and traceroute.
  • For IPv6, it is also used for: o Neighbor Solicitation and Advertisement Messages (Similar to ARP) or Router Solicitation and Advertisement Messages


The OSI model is still important for understanding and fixing network communication, even though many networks use the TCP/IP model today. It clearly outlines what each layer does, making it easier to develop systems that can work together. The OSI model also helps with troubleshooting problems and promotes standard practices in the industry. By offering a shared way to talk about networking, the OSI model remains essential as network technologies continue to grow and change.

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