A Note From Mumbai

Dear Friends,

Even as I write this post, on 28th Nov evening, the rescue operations by our commandos and the army is still not over.

As many of you may have heard by now, Mumbai, the financial hub and one of the largest metros of India, was attacked by terrorists beginning the night of Nov 26.

From then until now, it's been a nightmare of worst sorts, with more than hundreds feared dead and lots more injured. The attacks were carried out with meticulous planning and sophisticated intelligence. You can read more about all these facts on the various news websites and blogs that are covering this.

What I want to speak about is, that you as a person can be of help during this time. If you are in Mumbai, and are hale and hearty and qualified to donate blood, please visit the hospitals that are desperately searching for blood. If you can't donate blood but have time and access to a good phone service, please help out people who are trying to search their family members, relatives or friends. If you are a photographer/journalist (in addition to being a C# developer, we never know, there may be some freelancers lurking around here) then help out with your skills. And if you can't do any of the above, then just pray and offer moral support and strength in any way you can.

But if you think you can put in some concrete help, please visit


or you can get in touch with me, and I can redirect you to the right sources.



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