ACID Properties In SQL

ACID properties are atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.


This is a favorite question in interviews

It is one unit of work and is not subject to past and future exchanges. This exchange is either completely finished or not begun by any stretch of the imagination. Any updates in the framework amid exchange will finish completely. On the off chance that for any reason a blunder happens and the exchange can't finish the greater part of it, at that point the framework will come back to the state where the exchange began.


Information is either dedicated or moved back, not  an "in the middle of" situation where something has been refreshed and something hasn't and it will never leave your database until the exchange is wrapped up. On the off chance that the exchange finishes effectively, at that point all progressions to the framework will have been legitimately made, and the framework will be in a substantial state. In the event that any blunder happens in an exchange, at that point any progressions officially made will be consequently moved back. This will restore the framework to its state before the exchange was begun. Since the framework was in a reliable state when the exchange was begun, it will by and by be in a steady state.


No exchange sees the middle-of-the-road after effects of the present exchange. We have two exchanges, both are playing out a similar capacity and running in the meantime, and the segregation will guarantee that every exchange is isolated from every other until the point when both are done.


When the exchange is finished  the progressions made to the framework will be perpetual regardless of the possibility that the framework crashes directly after. At whatever point the exchange begin s,each will comply with all the corrosive properties.
I hope this is helpful.
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