Creating A Linux Virtual Machine In the New Azure Portal


Azure allows you to work with Virtual Machines like Linux, Windows Server, SQL Server, Oracle, IBM, and SAP providing different supports with a large range of computing solutions, running applications, development, testing, etc. Here Azure also supports you to work with Open Source for your flexibility.


  1. Windows Azure account

Follow the following steps to create a VM and attach a disk to it:

Note: Here we will be using Ubuntu Server

Step 1: Login to the Azure Management Portal.

New -> Virtual Machines -> Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS,

Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS

Step 2: Select Deployment model as Classic,

Deployment model

Deployment model

Step 3:
Select the pricing tier,

pricing tier

Give the Domain name and click on OK.

Domain name

Domain name

Domain name

Here is the Linux Virtual Machine Settings,


To connect with Linux VM you need to install any SSH Client.

Enter Virtual IP address available on settings blade,

Virtual IP address

Enter VM login username & password.

VM login
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