
Difference between "throw" and "throw ex" in C#

throw : If we use "throw" statement, it preserve original error stack information. In exception handling "throw" with empty parameter is also called re-throwing the last exception.

throw ex : If we use "throw ex" statement, stack trace of exception will be replaced with a stack trace starting at the re-throw point. It is used to intentionally hide stack trace information.
  1. catch (Exception ex)   
  2. {  
  3.     // do some stuff here  
  4.     throw// a) continue ex   
  5.     throw new MyException("failed", ex); // b) wrap  
  6.     throw new MyException("failed"); // c)  replace  
  7.     throw ex; // d)  reset stack-trace  
  8. }
So it is good practice to use the "throw" statement, rather than "throw ex" because it will give us more accurate stack information rather than "throw ex".
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