Display Zero Instead of Null in Dynamic Pivot in SQL Server

Let's now learn about the Dynamic pivot and about removing the null value in the SQL Server.

--Dynamic pivot is used when I don't know the limit of the given list

create table ProductSale(Empid int,Product varchar(10), Quantity int)

select * from ProductSale

Insert into ProductSale values(101,'T-shirts',10) ,(101,'Paints',50) ,(120,'Paints',20) ,(120,'Socks',50),(130,'Bags',10)
into ProductSale values(101,'Shirts',10) ,(101,'shoes',50) ,(120,'Cap',20) ,(120,'towel',50),(130,'socks',10)


--Here I do not know how many products are there in my productlist
--So instead of the normal pivot, I will use the concept of the Dynamic pivot
--First declare the productlist variable to store all the productname

Declare @Productlist1 varchar(max), @Productlist2 varchar(max);

--Select the distinct product from the ProductSale and use this query to get all the product, also apply this login in your @productlist to store all the productname

set @Productlist1 =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',['+Product+']' from ProductSale for xml path('')),2,8000)
@Productlist2 =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',IsNull(['+Product+'],0) as ['+Product+']' from ProductSale for xml path('')),2,8000)Declare @query varchar(max);
@query ='

Select Empid, '+@Productlist2+' from
select Empid , Product , Quantity from ProductSale

) as sourcecode


sum(Quantity) for Product in ('
) Dynamicpivot '

Note: carefully check @Productlist1 and @Productlist2 i am putting where)


--Select the following code and Run this query

Declare @Productlist1 varchar(max), @Productlist2 varchar(max),@query varchar(max);
@Productlist1 =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',['+Product+']' from ProductSale for xml path('')),2,8000)
@Productlist2 =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',IsNull(['+Product+'],0) as ['+Product+']' from ProductSale for xml path('')),2,8000)
@query ='

Select Empid, '+@Productlist2+' from
select Empid , Product , Quantity from ProductSale

) as sourcecode


sum(Quantity) for Product in ('
) Dynamicpivot '

execute (@query)

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