Get Number Of Days Of Given Month

In this blog, we are creating a function that will return the number of days for a given month. Below is the code snippet for the function that is used to retrieve the number of days. 
  1. CREATE FUNCTION Func_GetDate(@Date_ [date])  
  2. RETURNS [int]  
  3. BEGIN  
  4. DECLARE @Date [datetime];  
  5. SET @Date=@Date_;  
  6. DECLARE @Day int;  
  7. SET @Day=Day(@Date);  
  8. DECLARE @new_Date [datetime];  
  9. SET @new_Date=dateadd(day,-@day+1,@Date);  
  10. SET @Date=dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,1,@new_Date));  
  11. return datediff(Day,@new_Date,@Date)+1;  
  12. END   
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