Today I am going to show you how to create log
for any important table with use of triggers.
In my live application of forex there is one master setting . All my application
configuartion depends upon one master table.
There were too much of fluctuation in master table that some one changing it's
master setting day by day , So I thought to create log for the particular master
Here we go .
EMP --- Original Live Table.
EMPLOG-- Log table of master with log date time .
If any modification happens in master table ,it's record saves in log table.
1 .Create emp Table with empid,empname and emplastname columns.
2 .Create emplog table with empid,empname,emplastname and logdate columns. ----Logdate
which store date and time of updation,deletion of data.
Query For triggers
create trigger trigemp on emp for delete,insert,update as
if exists (select empid from deleted) and
exists(select empid from deleted)
insert into emplog select *,getdate() from deleted end
if not exists (select empid from inserted )and
exists(select empid from deleted)
begin insert into emplog select *,getdate() from deleted en