Insert into a Mysql Table After Dynamically Mapping Mysqltable's Column to Datatable Coumn at Runtime

Sometimes we need to fetch data into a datatable and insert some columns into a mysql table. If columns of mysql table is predefined then we can insert data into mysql table easily but in some case we have to select a table and find the columns of that table at runtime and mapped the fields and insert data from datatable.

This situation may happen when we are transfering data from one database server to another database server using a web application.

Here we have to select two database server ,databases, and select source table with unknown column list and same as destination column list.

In that case we can not fix the variable to our code.

Here we can use this function

first mapping store into a 2-d array and then call this function.

columnlist =[mysqlfield,datatablefield] is a 2-d string array where mapping is given at runtime.


public void getdata_mstomy(string[,] columlist, string D_Conn, string D_Table,DataTable dt)


string mysqlcommand="insert into "+D_Table+" (";

for (int x = 0; x < columlist.Length / 2; x++)


if (columlist[x, 1] != null)


mysqlcommand = mysqlcommand + columlist[x, 1].ToString() + ",";



int len = mysqlcommand.Length;

mysqlcommand = mysqlcommand.Substring(0, len - 1)+") values (";

string temp_comm = mysqlcommand;

for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)


mysqlcommand = temp_comm;

for (int x = 0; x < columlist.Length / 2; x++)


if (columlist[x, 0] != null)


mysqlcommand = mysqlcommand + "'"+dt.Rows[i][columlist[x, 0].ToString()]+"'" + ",";



len = mysqlcommand.Length;

mysqlcommand = mysqlcommand.Substring(0, len - 1)+")";

MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(D_Conn);

MySqlCommand mycmd = new MySqlCommand(mysqlcommand,conn);







where columnlist =[mysqlfield,datatablefield] is a 2-d string array where mapping is given at runtime.



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