Integrate TFS with SQL Server Management Studio 2012

We will followthe below steps to do it:

  1. Open SSMS, if you don't see “Source Control” option under File menu, then we need to install TFS MSSCCI provider for integrating TFS with SSMS [which doesn’t support Team explorer].


  2. We need to download the exact version based on SSMS bit ness [32 or 64] and TFS version from here.

  3. After installation, if “Source Control” option is not available than go to Tools -> Options -> Source Control and set plugin to TFS MSSCCI provider as shown below and re-open SSMS:


  4. Now, create a new project from File -> New Project -> Check “Add to Source Control”, name it as TFSScripts and click OK.


  5. Select TFS Server and click OK.


  6. Select Location for saving project and click OK.

  7. We can see our project in Solution Explorer:


  8. We can start adding our SQL Scripts, connections etc and check-in same:


By following the above steps, we can integrate TFS with SSMS to store SQL Scripts, connections etc in a project.

I am ending the things here, I hope this blog will be helpful for all.

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