Node.js Introduction

Developer I am going to introduce Node.Js with you people. In our field three question always in our mind.

1 When?, 2 Why?, 3 How?

  1. When: Node.Js Basically Developed by Ryan dahl in United State, 2009. He is employee of Joyent Inc (US (California based Software Development company)).

    2009 is initial release of Node.js. In 2010 Joyent adopt Node.js after that it grow very fast. In today's market most valuable company using Node.Js
  2. Why: I think every developer has their own opinion to develop new technology. You should ask to Ryan dahl about this. (Lol!)

    So Why? It is a very important question to answer with a solid reason that is Why he Develop Node.JS. About my opinion I saw few points as follows

    • As you people know there are too many script language in market. But all are only client side.
    • So Ryan faced some problem on them that's the reason only he decided to Create New Script language that will run both Client side and Server Side Also. That is Node.Js
  3. How: The Last point of my blog is how?

    This is not a tuff task to developer you can R&D with node.js it's very easy to run and deploy. To download Node.JS Click and choose your platform to download.

Node.JS with Visual Studio

Yes, you can run node.js with you favourite IDE, Visual Studio 2013

  1. Just Download Node.js for Visual Studio Here
  2. Run it and Enjoy!
  3. Use .npm to install new Package

Node.JS with Windows (command prompt)

  1. Just Download Node.js from Official site and install it
  2. Create folder to create Node.JS program.
  3. set folder to Environment variable.
  4. Now run
  5. Use npm to install new package
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