Parsing/Converting String as INTEGER using C#

Parsing/Converting String as INT using C#

In this blog, we are going to parse the string to specific INT data Type.


int a = TryParseInt("234", int.MinValue);//TRUE

int b = TryParseInt("2B4", int.MinValue);//False

Response.Write(string.Format("A:{0},B:{1}", a, b)+"<br/>");





Method1: int.TryParse

Best to use if there is uncertain about the input string.


        /// Parses the string as Int.
        /// It wont throw error. Instead it gives the ifFail value if error occurs
        public int TryParseInt(string input, int ifFail)
            int output;
            if (int.TryParse(input, out output))
                output = output;
                output = ifFail;
            return output;


Method 2: int.Parse

If you sure about the input string going to be valid, then go for this method.

        /// Parses the string as Int. But if Int string is invalid, then it throws error
        public int ParseInt(string input)
            return int.Parse(input);

Thanks for reading this article. Have a nice day.

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