For XAMPP (cross platform + apache + mySql + Php + perl )
XAMPP is the open source package and most popular PHP development environment.
Go to this link -
And download the XAMPP.
During installation user name- root and password- blank
After installation open the xampp folder it looks like this
And XAMPP control panel is
For WAMP (windows + acache + mySql + PHP)
WAMP is also open source package.
Go to this link -
And download 32 bit or 64 bit as per your need.
After installation Wamp folder looks like this
And open Startwampserver from menu items , after open it should looks like this
Thanks friend- after this article we will start the programming part.
Note: during installation it is very important that no any other server run on your system except Apache. If any server already run then uninstall that server before installation.