--Pivot table in sql
-- Pivot means you can display your vertical data into horizontally view (Note: it is used to view data only)
--I think no need to explain just look example you will understand easily
--I have created simple example just copy past and run and see the difference and learn
--Here i have taken temp table and have inserted value into that . (You can play with your table also)
Declare @Student table(ID int, name varchar(10),Subject varchar(10), Marks int) -- @student is name of table
-- Insert values into @student table
insert into @Student values(101, 'ashok' , 'Maths',86),(101, 'ashok' , 'English',80),(101, 'ashok' , 'Science',80)
insert into @Student values(105, 'vinod' , 'Maths',90),(105, 'vinod' , 'English',70),(105, 'vinod' , 'Science',60) -- to check values in table you can select
select * from @Student
--use pivot
select ID, Name, [Maths], [English] , [Science] from
select ID, name, Subject , Marks from @Student
) as source
max(Marks) for Subject in ([Maths],[English],[Science])
) as pvt
--i think no need to explain more
--Look at max(Marks) it means i am taking max value you can use any other aggrigate function like sum , min