Preparation for Campus Placements

Hello friends!! How are you all ? Hope you all must have enjoyed your summer vacations at your home and now you be getting ready to face campus placements in your colleges. Lot of questions must be going through everyone's mind, which company to opt for? which company will be best for our career? which company will give us an employee security? how to prepare for our dream company? would it be easier to go through interviews ? what to study ? various Do's and Dont's !! relax frnds I m here to help you out with these questions, as we all know hard work and dedication is a key to success but the direction in which efforts and hard work done is all matters at last. 
In my previous blog "Experience of getting placed in TCS" i shared my experience of getting placed in India's No.1 IT company TCS, I know lot of my friends reading this blog want to be placed in TCS and why not everyone like to be a No.1 or a part of No.1, you can read my experience visiting 
Now let's talk about your preparation, you must be spoken to read number of things to crack your interviews for your dream companies, you must be preparing number of things, say, Aptitudes, various core subjects, improving your communication skills, learning various languages (like C, C++, JAVA, .NET and other) if you are from CS/IT background. You must have a target or your dream company in your mind. Taking your dream in your eyes let's see what to prepare and how to prepare to make that dream true enough with your open eyes.
Friends !! Aptitude Test is a major tool used by almost every companies to select there employees, not only companies use this tool for recruitment but also for various employee related appraisal, a bitter truth about an aptitude is only 15% of the employees and students are able to crack this test ( at the time of my placement out of 540 students only 123 get cleared) so you can think why i said it's 40% of your dream...
Aptitude consist of Logical question, Reasoning, and Data Interpretation, there are number of books available for preparing aptitudes, if you have just started to prepare aptitudes, you can prefer R.S. Agarwal for basics,  once you get comfortable, you can visit where you can solve various previous year question with answers, lot of people believe that various companies aptitude test questions are taken from so you must visit this website to prepare and solve atleast 20 papers in a row. As I said aptitude test is not at all easy to crack, so you must put some efforts in it, one should give atleast 6 hours daily for your apti preparation,  don't worry if you haven't started yet, because it's never too late to achieve if you start doing the things from today ( or even after reading this blog). out of 6 hours you can divide these hours as 3 hours for  Logical questions, 2 hours for Reasoning and 1 hours for Data interpretation. Major chapters to cover are:
  1. Numbers(Remainder based questions)
  2. Ages
  3. roblem on trains
  4. Time and work( most imp. for tcs, headstrong and infosys)
  5. Permutation and combination
  6. Probability
  7. Relation based question
  8. Seating arrangement
These are the most important chapters to cover, you can not skip any of these chapters, and i m sure these 8 chapters help you to reach first step of your dream...
So moving on to the next important step that is your technical preparations, technical interviews is all about your core branch knowledge and related subjects, apart from your subjects you must be aware of general  knowledge and current affairs, this would be the first time you will face an interview ,so feel confident and you will feel confident if you were prepared well, so start your preparation from now if you haven't started what to learn ? how much to learn ?. For your technical interviews you must prepare atleast 2 of your subjects, here 2 means that you should reach a proficiency of excellent in those 2 subjects, other than this prepare few other subjects as well, you must have a basics knowledge of all your imp subjects. For CS/IT students these subjects would be fruitful:
  1. DBMS(most imp)
  2. Operating System
  3. S/W testing
  4. S/W engineering
  5. Data Structure
You can choose any of these subjects as per your like, apart from subjects you must a good knowledge of programming skills, interviewer never treats you as a perfectionist, so you need to know only the basics of any programming language, frnds keep it very simple, you can mention any 1 programming language you know the best, but make sure to face any sort of question on that language, to support your chosen language you should prepare HTML, CSS & JS or Sql. With these you have to prepare for a latest technology, interviewer do ask about the latest technology you are aware of, for latest technology you can prepare :
  1. Cloud computing (easiest you can prepare)
  2. Big Data (IT giants like TCS, WIPRO are focusing on Big Data)
  3. Android jelly bean
  4. Android 5.0 Lime pie etc.
With latest technology you need to revise your projects you did during your curriculum, be honest for your roles in the project, you may also face some questions on the summer training you did depending on various 
companies. That's all you need to prepare for your technical interviews.
I m sure not many people agree with this 20% for HR's, lot of people say HR is the most typical rounds or interviews to crack ;but i believe you can not reach for HR round untill unless you successfully cleared your Aptitude and Technical rounds, data says (total 540 students-> 123 students(Technical round)-> 65 students(HR round)->45 students( placed)). So you can calculate the number of rejection in each round, here HR round is having a minimum rejection of all rounds. Now what to prepare for HR round ? HR interviewers are the experts who can judge a candidate on the basis of communication, body language and gestures the students did at the time of interview, HR's are interested to know the core about a particular candidate, make sure you be honest in front of interviewer otherwise you will be caught in no time.
For HR interviews you must prepare:
  1. 2-3 min Introduction of yours( This will be the first question you face in HR round, mind it they are keen to know about you not your family)
  2. Family background( they make question on your family background)
  3. Why to join only TCS not microsoft( you must have a positive answer of it)
  4. Why they should hire you
  5. your strengths( never mention your weakness unless they ask it separately)
  6. About the company you are preparing for( take help from to know about a particular company)
  7. Hobbies and interest
  8. where you see yourself 5 years down the line( never reply as CEO of that company this will ruin your chances, be prepare for this question).
  9. Can you face pressure
So that's all about your HR interview, now what about the remaining 10% ????
The remaining 10% depends on your CV, your CV should be of 1 page only, as being a fresher 1 page CV would be enough, don't mention any false records or data, use a very simple language and don't try to make your CV a interesting one by writing some jokes or doing some art work, other than CV your body language must be good, don't play with you pen or fingers at the time of giving answers to interviewer question, this represents that you are nervous. The marks or % you got at secondary level, senior secondary level and at the current level also plays a role in your selection, remember first impression is the major impression...
So that's all about the procedure, Do's and Dont's, with this i m ending this blog. ALL THE BEST frnds hope you all succeed and will get your dream company very soon. In my next blog i will publish questions for every rounds that will help you further. For any queries feel free to comment and if you want to contact me directly then mail me your queries at [email protected] or [email protected] and enjoy...

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