Programmatically get multi choice values from SharePoint 2010 list item

I have a team site in which I have created a custom list named “Test”. In the custom list I have created a choice field which allows multiple selections.


I have added a new item with multi choice values as shown in Figure


Here you will see how to get all the choice values for particular column using SharePoint object model.

Code Snippet:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Data;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;


namespace MultiChoice


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://serverName/sites/Vijai/"))


                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())


                    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Test");

                    if (list != null)


                        SPListItem item = list.Items[0];

                        SPFieldMultiChoiceValue choices = new SPFieldMultiChoiceValue(item["MultiChoice"].ToString());

                        for (int i = 0; i < choices.Count; i++)











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