Register Your Provided Hosted App in SharePoint 2013

Let me start with the simple and clear statement "Apps are the future of SharePoint" before we jump into the acutal article. I know many wouldn't have second thoughts about it. The way Microsoft is moving everything towards the cloud.

Apps will survive longer than SandBox solutions.

Most of the Sharepoint geeks consider that Sandbox solutions are being replaced by the App Model in SharePoint 2013. Though the longvity of the Sanbox solution is short and sweet, an App will stay for a longer time!

Microsoft started off with the three app model of development in 2013.

They are as follows:

  1. Sharepoint Hosted App
  2. Provider Hoste App
  3. AutoHosted App(Depreceated)

The most popular model is a Provider hosted app.

So the next question is, What is a Provider hosted app?

Answer: The app component resides in a seprate server than the hosting one. In this way, we can avoid the sharepoint server crashing due to custom code.

How to register your sharepoint provider hosted app?

  • Navigate to your SharePoint site.

  • Go to /_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx">https://<your site>/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx.

  • Click Generate for the ID and for the Secret.

  • Add a Title for your Provider-hosted App.

  • Add the domain (this is the hosting server domain).

  • Add the Redirect URI (again, hosting server).

  • Click Create. Now you have successfully registered your app.

Happy SharePointing :-)

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