It is similar to full database backup,
Differential backups contain data that has changed since the last full database
backup. It is smaller and faster than full database backups. This saves backup
time at the cost of increased density. one more important thing it ignores if
full backups are with the COPY_ONLY option. Therefore, using differential
backups can save available space and speed up the process of making frequent
backups to decrease the risk of data loss. At restore time, the full backup is
restored first, followed by the most recent differential backup.
It's not to depend on only one base, create several base of differential backup
at different times to the backup files.
Using SSMS
Right click on the database name
Select Tasks > Backup
Select "Differential" as the backup type
Select "Disk" as the destination
Click on "Add..." to add a backup file and type “D:\backup\Testing.DIF"
Click "OK" to create the backup
Click OK
Using T-SQL
Right down below query in query window.