If you have a requirement to update the datatable column value from another
datatable column value. Then
Here I am Showing a simple example: you can perform this action also on the
database tables data.
You can perform this task by using the Left outer join of LinQ.
1. My Master Datatable data
private DataTable dt()
//Master table-----------------
{ DataTable _dtt = new DataTable();
_dtt.Rows.Add("1", "ex1");
_dtt.Rows.Add("2", "ex2");
_dtt.Rows.Add("3", "ex3");
_dtt.Rows.Add("4", "ex4");
_dtt.Rows.Add("5", "ex5");
_dtt.Rows.Add("6", "ex6");
return _dtt;}
2. My second child datatable data
private DataTable dttt()
{//Child table---------------
DataTable _dtt = new DataTable();
_dtt.Rows.Add("1", "ex1", "sdfdf");
_dtt.Rows.Add("2", "ex2", "ttyt");
_dtt.Rows.Add("3", "ex3", "kjlkl");
return _dtt;}
After that I have a requirement to show all the data of the
Master Datatable with the corresponding 'description' column value from the
Child table.
4. Linq query
DataTable _dtMaster = dt();
DataTable _dtChild = dttt();
_dtMaster.AsEnumerable().Join(_dtChild.AsEnumerable(), _dtmater =>
_dtchild => Convert.ToString(_dtchild["id"]), (_dtmater, _dtchild)
=> new { _dtmater, _dtchild }).ToList().ForEach(o=>o._dtmater.SetField("Discription",o._dtchild["Discription"].ToString()));